Neck Lift Surgery Before and After
We find here an example of neck lift surgery with amazing results in terms of wrinkle reduction and skin stretching. The scars are usually concealed behind the ears, in an area where they become practically invisible. Notice how the jawline is newly defined and there is no hanging skin below the neck.
Mini Neck Lift Surgery
Here is a patient who required a small skin reduction operation below the chin area. With a simple procedure, our doctors managed to give her a fully new contour and eliminate her growing dewlap. She won’t have any problems for the rest of her life.
Neck Lift Dewlap Removal
We are particularly proud of the results of this surgery. Our patient was suffering from a growing dewlap that was completely deforming her facial harmony. We performed a neck lift surgery, completely redefining her jawline with formidable results, eliminating wrinkles and giving her a fully rejuvenated facial appearance.
Full Neck Lift Before & After
Here is a patient who required an in-depth procedure to address many issues: dewlap, hanging skin, chin malformation and wrinkles. We proceeded with a full skin stretching, concealing her surgery signs behind the ears, and the results was a full facial makeover.
Post Weight Loss Neck Lift
Many patients experience hanging skin after weight loss. The result is very wrinkly, sagging skin, creating a very unpleasant appearance. Neck lifting can perfectly address such issues with permanent results. However, patients such wait for their weight loss to be fully over.
Neck Lift in Turkey Before After
As a last example, we have another fully rejuvenated neck, with a refined jawline and tight, smooth skin all throughout the throat area. If you look carefully, you will notice the surgical scar right next to the ear. It’s a small, almost imperceptible sign, that becomes less and less apparent with time.