Arm reduction before and after
We have here a common example of excess skin due to aging and overweight. The brachioplasty was performed under general anesthesia and the operation was over in 2 hours. Excess skin was first stretched and then eliminated, concealing the scar naturally using the body’s own folds.
Arm tuck before and after
Our patient experienced skin sagginess on her upper arm after consistently losing weight for months. Skin reabsorption was limited, so she opted for a body aesthetics procedure. This is her 1-month post-op. The scar gradually become less visible with time.
Brachioplasty before and after
This patient experienced rapid weight loss after her gastric sleeve surgery. This is a kind of bariatric surgery that leads to rapid weight loss and, oftentimes, to excess skin. We solved her problem with permanent results through a spotless arm reduction.
Extensive arm tuck Before and After
The degree of skin sagginess of this patient was quite exceptional, and she required a more in-depth procedure than the usual. Due to the technicalities, our patient had a whole surgical team at her disposal. We are particularly proud with the results of this arm surgery.
Mini arm lift before and after
Here is a good example of a mini arm lift that resulted in perfect skin tightness with minimal scars and down time. While a mini procedure doesn’t have the most noticeable results, in some cases it is enough to achieve the arms you desire.
Extended arm lift surgery before and after
In our last example, we showcase a patient with a very advanced degree of skin sagginess. Aging and weight loss had taken a toll on her. She opted for a combined procedure, including a tummy tuck and thigh lift. We only show here her arm results. You can always contact us to receive more similar examples.