Body Aesthetics

Six Pack Surgery in Turkey

In recent years, Istanbul has grown to become the world Mecca for plastic surgery. Affordable prices alone could never had led to such results, without the inclusion of impeccable clinics & surgeons. Here is what you can expect from your abdominal etching in Turkey.


What is Six Pack Surgery? (Abdominal Etching)

Six Pack Surgery, commonly referred to as Abdominal Etching, is a specialized form of liposuction designed to accentuate the abdominal muscles and create a more defined appearance. While regular liposuction focuses on removing larger quantities of fat, Abdominal Etching is all about precision. The goal is to reveal the natural contours of the patient’s abs, giving the illusion of a well-toned and sculpted midp.

Abdominal Etching in Turkey at a Glance

Time in Turkey 7 Days
Surgery Time
Surgery Time 1 - 5 Hours
Hospital Stay 1 - 2 Nights
Recovery 4 - 6 Weeks
Accomodation Icon
Accomodation 4/5* Hotels
transportation icon
Transportation Private Driver

Why is Abdominal Fat so Difficult to Eliminate?

Abdominal fat is extremely resistant to traditional weight loss methods, but it is not impossible to eliminate. Determining the underlying cause behind its accumulation is the first step to dealing with it.

  • Bear in mind: despite bad marketing, fat is not bad under healthy levels. Here are some reasons of the main reasons for abdominal fat accumulation:
  • Evolution: abdominal fat evolved as a way to survive in times of scarcity, because the abdomen is an optimal fat storage area, allowing to also protect vital organs: the stomach, pancreas and liver.
  • Biology: the abdominal area contains a higher concentration of fat cells compared to other parts of the body, making it more prone to storing excess fat.
  • Genetics: Some people may be predisposed to storing fat in their abdominal area, making it more difficult to eliminate.
  • Hormones: Cortisol and insulin can influence the accumulation of abdominal fat. This can be determined, diagnosed and treated.
  • Age: Metabolism slows down with aging, making it more difficult to burn fat. Additionally, hormonal changes that occur with age can lead to an increase in abdominal fat.
  • Lifestyle factors: Poor diet, lack of exercise, and high stress levels can all contribute to an increase in abdominal fat.

Are You Suitable for a Six Pack Operation in Turkey?

Fat reduction and grafting through liposuction is not a procedure that can be undergone by all patients. For this reason, a medical revision will take place to determine if surgery is contraindicated or not. Some of the must-meet criteria for six pack operation in Turkey include:

  • Your BMI (Body Mass Index) should be below 33
  • You should have good skin elasticity
  • You mustn’t suffer from any chronic illnesses
  • You mustn’t take certain medication (ex: blood thinners)
  • You should preferably be a non-smoker

What are the benefits of having Six Pack Surgery in Turkey?

Abdominal etching in Turkey offers a number of potential benefits for individuals who are looking to improve the appearance of their abdominal area. Some of them include:

  • Great Medical Facilities: Turkey, and particularly Istanbul, are known for having a modern and highly efficient facilities employing the latest technologies.
  • Expert Plastic Surgeons: Many Turkish plastic surgeons are highly trained professionals with broad experience and a strong level of expertise.
  • Affordability: The cost of abdominal etching in Turkey is up to 70% less expensive than in the UK or US.
  • Tourism Possibilities: Traveling to Istanbul for medical purposes allows patients to enjoy a holiday in a Mediterranean location.
  • Long-lasting Results: With proper diet and exercise, surgical results can be long-lasting and can help to maintain a more toned and sculpted abdominal area.

Why You Should Choose Turkey for a Six Pack Surgery?

Abdominal etching in Turkey offers a number of potential benefits for individuals who are looking to improve the appearance of their abdominal area. Some of them include:

  • Great medical facilities: Turkey, and particularly Istanbul, are known for having a modern and highly efficient facilities employing the latest technologies.
  • Expert plastic surgeons: Many Turkish plastic surgeons are highly trained professionals with broad experience and a strong level of expertise.
  • Affordability: the cost of abdominal etching in Turkey is up to 70% less expensive than in the UK or US.
  • Tourism possibilities: Traveling to Istanbul for medical purposes allows patients to enjoy a holiday in a Mediterranean location.
  • Long-lasting results: With proper diet and exercise, surgical results can be long-lasting and can help to maintain a more toned and sculpted abdominal area.


Types of Abdominal Etching in Turkey

Different surgeries will have different results depending on your body and conditions. It is key to have an in-depth talk with your surgeon and establish the best possible treatment. The last decision is always yours, however. For this reason, we recommend informing yourself independently as best as possible and ask for several opinions.

Here are the different types of 6-pack liposculpture in Turkey:

What is Traditional Abdominal Etching?

The traditional technique involves using liposuction to remove fat from the abdominal area and sculpting the remaining fat to create a more defined abdominal area.

What is 6-pack High Definition Vaser Liposuction in Turkey?

This technique is a more advanced version of traditional abdominal etching. It involves more precise sculpting of the abdominal muscles to create a highly defined, athletic appearance. This technique is typically used on individuals who already have good muscle definition and low body fat.

What is 4D ab etching in Turkey?

4D abdominal etching is an advanced procedure to create a more defined and contoured appearance. Unlike the former 2 techniques, 4D abdominal etching creates definition in both flexed and relaxed states, giving the appearance of a six-pack stomach at all times.

Combination Abdominal Etching

In some cases, plastic surgeons may combine abdominal etching with other procedures, such as a tummy tuck or body lift, to achieve optimal results.

Want to Know What Technique is Best for You? Book a Free Consultation

How much is a Six Pack Surgery in Turkey?

Abdominal etching costs in Turkey up to 70% less than in Europe or the US. Giving a more precise estimate is tricky, as prices can go up or down depending on the technique employed, the surgeon and the clinic. The point is, given similar quality standards, the price of abdominal etching in Turkey is up to 70% less than in Europe or the US. You can take a look at our table below to get a more precise estimate. In general, six pack surgery costs in Turkey anywhere from $2,500 to $4,000.

This is including:

  • All surgical costs
  • The whole hospitalization fee
  • Personal nurse at hospital & hotel
  • Hotel accommodation
  • Private inner-city transportation
  • All required medication
  • Pressure garment
  • 12-month follow-up

Before Abdominal Etching

Here is a surgical guide to help you prepare for surgery and allow for the best possible results.

Preparing for Six Pack Surgery

Preparing for abdominal etching in Turkey involves several steps to ensure a safe and successful surgery. Here are some of the key steps:

1. Consultation:

Provide accurate and extensive information to allow your surgeon to evaluate your health, medical history, and goals.

2. Medical evaluation:

Before surgery, you will have to spend at least 12 hours without drinking nor eating. You will also go through blood tests, imaging tests, and other diagnostic tests.

3. Stop smoking and avoid certain medications:

It is important to stop smoking at least several weeks before the procedure. You should also avoid taking aspirin and ibuprofen.

4. Maintain a healthy lifestyle:

To ensure the best results, you should have a balanced diet, stay hydrated, and exercise regularly.

5. Arrange for post-operative care:

After returning home from Istanbul, you should make the necessary arrangements to reduce movement and effort. Do the chores beforehand and make sure there’s someone to give you a helping hand, drive you and take time off work!

After Abdominal Etching

Here’s the steps to bear in mind and to expect from your post-op recovery process.

Recovery Process

You will spend the first and most important stages of post-op recovery by our side in Istanbul. Even after you leave us to return back home, we will still be in contact to guide you and follow your recovery. Here is to give you an idea of how the post-op process will unfold:

1. Immediately after surgery:

You will wake up in your hospital room. Your friends and family may stay the night with you. You will usually be discharged the day after and return to the intimacy of your hotel room.

2. First week:

During the first week after surgery, you will need to rest as much as possible and avoid exercise. You may need to wear compression garments or using drains. You may also need to take pain medication and antibiotics.

3. Second week

In the second week, you may be able to resume light activities such as walking, but you should still avoid hard exercise.

4. Third week and beyond:

As you continue to heal, you can gradually resume normal activities as directed by your surgeon. You will also need to attend follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and ensure that you are healing properly.

What should you avoid after 6 pack surgery in Turkey?

To ensure both your safety and the best surgical results, it is important to avoid certain activities and behaviours that could compromise the healing process. It is mandatory to avoid the following after 6 pack surgery in Turkey:

  • Physically Demanding Activities: Until further notice, you should avoid any activities that could put strain on your abdominal muscles, such as heavy lifting or running.
  • Smoking and Alcohol: Smoking and alcohol can both slow down the healing process and increase the risk of complications.
  • Tight Clothing: Wearing tight or restrictive clothing, including tight belts or waistbands, can put pressure on the abdomen and interfere with healing.
  • Sun Exposure: Do you want surgical scars to be visible and discolored? Then expose them to direct sunlight! Wear protective clothing and sunscreen outside!
  • Improper Diet: It is important to avoid foods that are high in salt, sugar, or unhealthy fats, they can slow down the healing process and increase inflammation!

What are the potential complications?

Like any other surgery involving anesthesia and body modeling, liposculpture carries some potential complications. Risks are minimal, but it is important to understand them before deciding to undergo the procedure. Some of the potential complications include:

  • Bleeding
  • Infection
  • Poor healing
  • Numbness
  • Asymmetry
  • Seroma or hematoma
  • Anesthesia complications
  • Unsatisfaction with results

It is important to discuss any concerns with your surgeon before undergoing the procedure. Mostly, it is crucial to carefully follow your surgeon’s instructions for pre- and post-operative care. This is the best way to minimize risk and ensure a safe and successful outcome.

Six Pack Surgery in Turkey Before and After

Check out the before and after photos of real patients who have had six pack surgery in Turkey. These images highlight the defined and sculpted results achieved, helping you see what’s possible. Viewing real examples can support you in making a more confident decision about your procedure.

Abdominal Etching In Turkey – Turkish Baklava

Coming to Istanbul for a baklava 6 pack liposculpture can change your life… or just your abs.

Discovering new cultures might not be your thing, and that’s fine.

But if it is, Turkey can offer you much more than just plastic surgery.

Fun fact: Turks call six pack abs ‘Baklava’


Our expertise in abdominal aesthetics is the secret of our know-how. We sculpt the unique contours of your abdomen to enhance definition and symmetry. We are not the ones to say that. Our patients are!

Is Turkey good for Six Pack Surgery?

Turkey has become the world Mecca for cosmetic surgery, including 6 pack liposculpture procedures. Affordable pricing alone could never have led to a yearly inflow of more than a hundred thousand patients. Thanks to government investments and continuous patient inflow, Turkey, and particularly Istanbul have developed a strong medical tourism infrastructure, with many facilities offering comfortable accommodations and personalized care for international patients.

Turkey is also known for having highly skilled and experienced plastic surgeons who are trained in the latest techniques. Many clinics and hospitals in Turkey are accredited by international organizations and meet strict standards for quality and safety, employing the most advanced technologies.

Overall, 6 pack surgery in Turkey can be a good option, as long as you choose a reputable clinic and surgeon. It is important to do thorough research and ask for credentials before deciding, and to carefully follow all pre- and post-operative instructions to ensure a safe and successful outcome.

How long do you stay in Turkey for an 6-pack Surgery?

Patients are usually required to stay for a minimum period of 1 week, with the surgery being performed usually on the second day after arrival. However, we highly encourage you to remain in Istanbul for as long as possible. That will allow us to provide you with more exhaustive aftercare and ensure the best outcome.

Abdominal Etching Results in Turkey

There’s no easier, more affordable way to a 6-pack than undergoing abdominal etching in Turkey. Time is of the issue, so don’t hesitate any longer! Enjoy our quality service for a luxurious medical experience abroad and go back home being the best version of yourself!

Abdominal Etching All Inclusive Package

While in Turkey, we will provide anything you require, whenever you require it. All you will have to do is lay back and enjoy. Here is what you can expect from your all-inclusive 6 pack surgery in Turkey:

  • Operation at the Best Medical Facilities
  • Surgery by Board Certified Surgeons
  • Personal Nurse at Hospital + Hotel
  • All Inner-City Rides
  • 4/5* Hotel Accommodation with Breakfast & Dinner for 2
  • Pressure Garment
  • All Medication
  • 12-Month Follow-Up

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Not only are we medical experts, we are also professional hosts. We always strive to deliver the best possible treatment, before you arrive, during your stay, and after you go. We strive to deliver the treatment you deserve.

Frequently Asked Questions

Ask the Expert

The operation is carried out under general anaesthesia, making it entirely painless.

Results are long-lasting as long as good life habits are maintained, such as regular exercise and a healthy diet.

Abdominal etching is a fat reduction procedure employing liposuction techniques. It is generally considered safe and healthy.

Surgical results will be severely compromised if considerable weight is gain after the procedure.

Liposuction involves the introduction of a suction cannula on the abdominal area that will leave small circular scars that will fade away with time.

If good life habits are not maintained after surgery, results might be reversed, yes.

Ab etching is a specific kind of liposuction entirely focused on the abdominal area.

Yes, abdominal etching has been performed for several decades showing increasing success.

Abdominal surgery is meant to give you a sick pack. You will wake up with a six pack after surgery.

While abdominal etching eliminates fat on the abdominal area, a tummy tuck is an excess-skin elimination procedure, treating sagging skin on the abdomen.

No, abdominal etching is not a skin tightening procedure.

Depending on the patient and your circumstances, results might increase further if you lose weight after the procedure.

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Prof. Dr. Ethem Güneren Instagram Facebook LinkedIn

Prof. Dr. Ethem Güneren is a member of the European Board of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (EBOPRAS), since 2003, of the American Plastic Surgery Association since 2017, and one of the most reputed specialists in Turkey, author of 6 books, including a poetry collection, and more than 130 academic articles, 100 of them in English.

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