Eine leichte Kieferkorrektur kann viele Aspekte des Lebens erheblich verbessern, wie die Gesichtsästhetik, das Kauen und die Sprache. Dank des Währungsumtauschs können Sie sich für eine Kieferchirurgie in der Türkei entscheiden und eine luxuriöse Behandlung im Ausland erleben.
Jaw surgery, also known as orthognathic surgery, is performed to correct abnormalities in the jaw bones or teeth. It adresses problems realted to bite, facial asymmetry, or difficulty chewing or speaking.
Kieferchirurgie in der Türkei auf einen Blick
Depending on your circumstance and the desired results, one method might be better than another. While the decision is always yours, it is important to consult several experts, get second opinions and make independent research. Here are the main types of jaw orthognathic surgery in Turkey and when they are best applied.
Maxillary osteotomy involves cutting and repositioning the upper jawbone to correct dental and skeletal abnormalities, such as a receded or protruding upper jaw, crossbite, or open bite. It is specifically undergone for the upper jaw.
Mandibular osteotomy is a lower jaw surgery, it involves repositioning the lower jawbone (mandible) to correct dental and skeletal abnormalities. It is recommended if you have an underbite, overbite, or facial asymmetry.
Bimaxillary osteotomy involves repositioning both the upper jawbone (maxilla) and lower jawbone (mandible) to correct dental and skeletal abnormalities. This procedure may be recommended for people with a significant overbite, underbite, or facial asymmetry.
Genioplasty involves reshaping the chin to improve its position and appearance. This type of surgery can be used to correct a receding or protruding chin, facial asymmetry, and difficulty with biting or speaking.
TMJ (temporomandibular joint) surgery is performed to treat disorders or conditions affecting the jaw joint and its associated structures. TMJ disorders can cause significant pain, discomfort, and dysfunction in the jaw, face, neck, and ears.
Prof. Dr. Ethem Güneren ist seit 2003 Mitglied des European Board of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (EBOPRAS), seit 2017 der American Plastic Surgery Association und einer der renommiertesten Spezialisten in der Türkei. Er ist Autor von 6 Büchern, darunter eine Gedichtsammlung, und mehr als 130 wissenschaftlicher Artikel, von denen 100 auf Englisch verfasst sind. Prof. Assoc. Ahmet Hamdi Sakarya, ein führender plastischer, rekonstruktiver und ästhetischer Chirurg bei Care in Turkey, ist auf innovative ästhetische Lösungen spezialisiert.Chirurgen
While undergoing jaw surgery can bring many benefits, patients must meet a series of criteria that may include changing life habits. Eligible patients are highly recommended or required to meet at least some of the following:
Should you want to know if you are suitable for jaw surgery in Turkey, you can simply contact us for a free online medical consultation.
Certain people should not undergo jaw surgery in Turkey. Others don’t want. Others can’t. Others might have jaw surgery but it will not make such a big difference, while others will experience the following benefits like a true before and after:
Es gibt viele verschiedene Arten von Kieferoperationen, die sich preislich stark unterscheiden. Sie können uns um einen Preisvergleich bitten oder unsere Tabelle unten überprüfen, um eine genauere Schätzung zu erhalten, wie viel eine Kieferoperation in der Türkei kostet. Je nach Klinik, Chirurg und Art der Operation kann der Preis für eine Kieferoperation in der Türkei zwischen $3000 und $5000 liegen. Dies ist der All-Inclusive-Medizinreiseplan, der relativ 60-70% günstiger ist als in Europa oder den USA. Er beinhaltet Folgendes: Es wird auch empfohlen, einen qualifizierten und erfahrenen Kieferchirurgen in der Türkei zu recherchieren und auszuwählen, der die Operation sicher und effektiv durchführen kann. Es kann hilfreich sein, Bewertungen von anderen Patienten zu lesen und eine Beratung zu vereinbaren. Wie viel kostet eine Kieferoperation in der Türkei?
Getting the best results is a team game. From our side, we guarantee the best medical treatment, softness, pain-free and results-oriented, while you will make sure to follow pre- and post-op instructions as best as you can. Here are some of our best recommendations for the pre-op period:
Research suggests that, in some cases, aftercare can make up to 50% of end results. While surgery is the most delicate, technical, and most important part, it is important to have a realistic expectations of what jaw surgery actually is, and know what you should do at the other side of it. Here are some general guidelines as to what to expect during the recovery period:
After your jaw surgery in Turkey, it is important to avoid certain activities that can disrupt the healing process and increase the chance of complications:
Jaw surgery is generally considered as a very safe procedure when it is performed by a qualified andexperienced surgeon. Some potential risks of jaw surgery may include:
Even though surgical complications take place very rarely, risks and complications can happen and you should carefully consider such fact. You will be asked to sign a consent form before surgery, it is important to discuss these details with your surgeon before undergoing surgery.
Istanbul has become the world Mecca of medical treatments, and you can bet price could never have lift it up there by itself. Impeccable care, attention, high-quality treatments and results are much more important. We have heard all kinds of comments from European and American patients: “I had never seen such a good hospital before.” “The quality of care is amazing.” Not only that. But you can enjoy an amazing holiday in a sunny, Mediterranean location full of a rich, old culture and excellent gastronomy!
You can learn in detail whether cosmetic surgery is safe in Turkey from our relevant article.
Experience the sultan treatment, get the full VIP experience and go back home with the best possible jaw. Here is our affordable jaw surgery in Turkey medical travel package. Including:
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